Tube bending is a metal forming process that uses a set of tools and specialized machines to manipulate the shape of a tube. It could be either bend into desired shape, end flaring or reducing, or crimping.
We take pride in make products with precise bends, flawless welding, and meticulous surface finish.
Computer numeric control (CNC) are used to bend metal tubes with high precision and repeatability. Following are some of the benefits of using CNC tube bending machine for making products.
Production Consistency
A CNC tube bending machine can produce parts with consistent shapes and sizes. The machine is programmed to make several bends in a single cycle, thereby reducing production time, and hence manufacturing cost.
Flexibility in Design
CNC tube benders allow the operator to change the angle and/or the length of each bend section by changing the parameters in the software. Since this is a very quick and easy process, the setup time of machine is reduced significantly.
High Precision and fewer defects
Since CNC benders are controlled by sensors which feeds data to the onboard computer, the precision of manufacturing is significantly higher than conventional tube bending process. This can significantly reduce scrap rate, thus adding to the overall cost savings.
Cost Savings
Since parts made on CNC tube bending machines are highly repeatable and accuracy, fewer trained staff are needed to operate these machines, once they are setup. This further adds to profitability of the manufacturer.
Thus, using our CNC bending machine, we make which are consistent, precise, and competitively priced.
As a result, tubes bent on CNC machines find applications in wide variety of industries, such as (but not limited to):
End forming tools are used for expanding, reducing and calibrating the tube diameters. They change the circumference of a tube, which can allow the tube to connect to other components (e.g. other tubes, hoses or flanges). The primary uses for end forming include flaring, deburring, or beading a tube.
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